Only Keep What You Love

Love It or Consign It

We all have a limited amount of space in our closets and drawers.  Some days it seems like it’s never enough!  But really our space is enough, we just have too many things, things we don’t LOVE.

I have learned through the past few years to keep only the items I LOVE in my closet.  I”m sure I’m not the only one who has those items I think I’m going to fit back into (reality check- not today!), things I “might need” (not as many weddings, funerals, and definitely not as many “nights out” as I would think).  These “might need” items are just taking up space, physical space in my closet, and mental space in my mind.  

By clearing out those unused items I have the freedom to look in my closet and know all items I see are available- good to wear, they fit, I love them, they look good, they make me feel good.

But what do you do with all the stuff you are ready to get rid of?  Consign it, of course!  Sort the items that are still in style, clean, and still great pieces, just not great for you, into seasons, and Consign It! 

Consigning is easy, bring the in-season items to Cutie Patuties, hang them up, and we do the rest!  You receive store credit or cash for your items once they sell.  By keeping your earnings as store credit, you then have some credit to shop with.  It’s like free shopping!  Use your credit for new items you love, items for the kiddos, or something great for your home.  It’s so easy, and fun to be able to get something new to you without having to spend a lot!

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